< 11 Years Ago >
28-year-old Bruce Wayne is confronted by Ra's Al Ghul, testing his worth as an heir. He has a night of passion with 24-year-old Talia Al Ghul, but ultimately rejects Ra's offer. Talia gives birth to Bruce's son Damian Wayne in the League of Assassins citadel. Ra's does not believe that he should be trained because Bruce rejected the offer to become his heir, but his mother still gets him the best training available.
30-years-ago Harvey Dent's marriage ends when Gilda leaves him. He is attacked with a vial of acid by 32-year-old Sal Maroni in the court room, scarring half his face and shattering his sanity, escaping through the sewers where he finds Solomon Grundy. He becomes Two-Face, and murders 50-year-old Carmine Falcone, leading to a night of murders that shift the balance of power in Gotham's underworld.
25-year-old Roman Sionis uses 51-year-old Tony Zucco to gather information on 32-year-old Sal Maroni while in prison. He makes a move to take over the Maroni family's holdings when Sal attacks 30-years-ago Harvey Dent, paying 37-year-old Julian Gregory Day to kill Maroni during his attempted prison escape, and has Zucco killed for betraying his boss. He becomes one of Gotham's most powerful crime lords.
32-year-old Oswald Cobblepot hires 37-year-old Julian Gregory Day & 35-year-old Johnathan Crane to kill Alberto Falcone, son of Carmine Falcone, in the middle of Roman Sionis's bid to take over 32-year-old Sal Maroni's organization. He quickly moves to take over Falcone's territory, establishing himself as the main rival to Black Mask.
21-year-old Drury Walker escapes from Arkham along with 37-year-old Julian Gregory Day, and joins 25-year-old Black Mask's organization.
37-year-old Hugo Strange's obsession with 28-year-old Bruce Wayne deepens. He deduces his identity and tries to sell it. He frames Batman for kidnapping Mayor Rupert Thorne's daughter & tortures him with imagry of his parents. Ultimately he is shot by police while wearing a replica Batsuit and was presumed dead.
47-year-old Rupert Thorne's daughter is kidnapped by 37-year-old Hugo Strange, who frames Batman. Thorne comes down on 42-year-old James Gordon & the GCPD to find and capture 28-year-old Bruce Wayne, placing 41-year-old Crispus Allen on the GCPD Major Crimes Division. This results in the shooting death of Strange who is wearing a replica Batsuit. When Oswald Cobblepot takes over the city, Thorne resigns as the Mayor, knowing that he does not have the support of the Falcone family anymore.
23-year-old Renee Montoya becomes a uniformed police officer at the GCPD. She is instrumental in solving several major crime scenes, including finding Mayor Rupert Thorne's kidnapped daughter.
28-year-old Bruce Wayne & 26-year-old Julie Madison end their engagement. She leaves Gotham for Los Angeles to persue her acting career.
Jason Blood first works with 28-year-old Bruce Wayne, who comes to trust and empathize with his battle with his demon.
Klarion kidnaps 21-year-old Etta Candy to draw out Jason Blood and escape his banishment, but is defeated when 21-year-old Diana Prince joins Jason in purgatory to save her.
The Joker shoots 33-year-old Thomas Blake for no reason, driving him from Gotham and into exhile in his lodge in Africa, establishing his reputation in the Gotham underground.
The only Xebelite skilled enough to pass through the dimensional barrier imprisoning their people, 23-year-old Mera, leaves her people behind on a mission to assassinate the king of Atlantis, She attacks 30-year-old Arthur Curry, but when he doesn't kill her in retaliation she joins his crusade. She falls in love with him, and helps him take the Atlantean throne along with 13-year-old Garth. 55-year-old Nuidis Vulko assists the coup of Atlantis, helping his followers enter the city without bloodshed. 41-year-old Orm Marius imprisoned in the palace. Vulko is named as Arthur's valued advisor 64-year-old Kalandro goes into exile, his followers becoming terrorists working to undermine the new ruler. 31-year-old Black Manta's forces attack Atlantis in the aftermath of the coup, but finds them ready to follow their new king. 8-year-old Kaldur'ahm plays a vital role in defeating Black Manta's forces as they attack Atlantis. He earns the right to begin his training early with the Atlantean military, moving to Atlantis.
57-year-old Thorne escapes Atlantis during 30-year-old Arthur Curry's coup. He begins setting up his experiments again in San Diego.
60-year-old Thaddeus Sivana is left interpreting the tomb of Teth-Adam after the Batsons are killed.
the First Strike Program creates units of soldiers enhanced using a derivative of the adrenocorticotropic hormone & given the designation the Americommandos. Among the recruits are Joseph Jones, Benjamin Lockwood & William Vickers.
Thaal Sinestro attacks Earth, Injuring both 30-year-old Hal Jordan and his backup lantern, 28-year-old Guy Gardner. A new Green Lantern of Earth, 29-year-old John Stewart, is chosen and defeats Sinestro. The Weaponers of Qward stage an assault to free him. Hal continues to wear his ring, but for the time being is replaced by John as the Green Lantern of sector 2814.
27-year-old Katma Tui is again offered a ring and accepts, joining the Green Lantern Corp despite being hated by her own people. She trains alongside John Stewart, and they have an affair.
17-year-old Soranik Natu sees 27-year-old Katma Tui, the “great betrayer”, become the new lantern of her sector.
31-year-old Arkkis Chummuck defeats his people’s ruler in single combat, ending bloodshed on his homeworld. He is brought to trial by the Green Lantern Corps for killing & eating him, but is freed because this was a sign of great respect among his people.
12-year-old La Sirène la Bailene is present during the overthrow of Atlantis. Her magical senses continue to call her to destroy the city.
24-year-old Clark Kent saves a dog from freezing in Metropolis's Suicide Slums & takes him to the fortress of solitude to heal. 2-year-old Krypto exhibits some kryptonian biological traits after he is altered by the Eradicator, and must stay in the Fortress. Superman realizes the extent of The Eradicator's intentions to restructure Earth into Krypton when it converts Krypto into a Kryptonian creature. He must undergo an old Kryptonian rite of passage to earn the name of El and stop it.
26-year-old Bruce Gordon discovers the Heart of Darkness in it's temple in Peru. He is possessed by Eclipso, who kills the rest of the expedition and returns to the States where he starts a terror campaign to attract the Justice League so he can usurp their seats as modern gods. They defeat Eclipso, and Bruce Gordon is imprisoned.
24-year-old Clark Kent is captured for the fighting pits of Warworld, and is only saved when the Justice League depose Mongul of his throne.
30-year-old Lobo takes a contract on 24-year-old Clark Kent and fights him to a standstill. He ultimately agrees to stay off earth, and kills the contact that gave him the job.
Brainiac attempts to steal specimens for Kandor from Earth. His biological body is decimated in his battle with Superman, who stores the nexus of Kandor in the Fortress of Solitude. Brainiac's preserved brain begins constructing an entirely android body.
25-year-old Robert DuBois is among the human specimens stolen from Earth by Brainiac and stored inside the hyper-spatial Kandor tessaract. He works as a mercenary within the city, rebuilding their weaponry to suit his needs.
34-year-old David Connor becomes senior researcher at Star Labs.
56-year-old Carter Hall & 50-year-old Shiera Hall are found within the Nth Metal Armory by 38-year-old Speed Saunders. They return to their role as heroes, and join the Justice League. Speed becomes the caretaker of their armory, & his niece, 14-year-old Kendra Saunders begins training with their Thangarian weapons. 25-year-old Michael Holt is allowed limited access to their Thanagarian technology.
56-year-old Carter Hall & 50-year-old Shiera Hall first encounter 30-year-old Carl Sands, unaware that he is the reincarnation of Hath-Set. They recover the soul-knife, and Sands is inprisoned.
Jim Craddock begins to appear regularly again when the Nth Metal Armory is opened.
23-year-old Rudy Jones is exposed to waste from 38-year-old Lex Luthor's experiments with alien bio-chemistry, becoming the Parasite... consuming the lifeforce of 24-year-old Clark Kent, temporarily gaining his powers and memories before he is defeated and put in prison.
19-year-old Shado achieves an unprecedented level of mastery of her art, and begins to track her father's killers. She comes into conflict with 30-year-old Oliver Queen when she kills her victims, but when they are discovered to be human trafficers, he kills one of them himself. She returns to Japan with the gold, but is considered a failure because of the one man she didn't kill. Her sensai sacrifices himself so she can escape.
The Omega Men defeat the Calculators of Colu. 14-year-old Vril Dox helps establish a new Coluan government, & begins setting his own extra-governmental mercenary police force, phasing out the Omega Men. The 61-year-old Durlan, 49-year-old Ferrin Colos, 43-year-old Adam Blake & 38-year-old Ti'julk Mr'asz take up residence on Hardcore Station once Vril is able to replicate Ti'julk's powers.
16-year-old Albert Julian Rothstein first exhibits his powers and begins fighting crime as Nuklon.
25-year-old Michael Holt gains limited access to Thanagarian Tech when Hawkman & Hawkwoman are recovered from their armory.
14-year-old Roy Harper joins the Teen Titans.
34-year-old Jefferson Pierce finally succeeds in sending 41-year-old Tobias Whale to prison.
22-year-old Evan McCulloch finds the stored equipment of Sam Scudder.
21-year-old Diana Prince is captured by 25-year-old Doris Zeul who tries to siphon her spinal fluid, leaving her magically empowered.
27-year-old Edgar Cizko attempts to use how powers to control 21-year-old Diana Prince. She defeats him and he is imprisoned with his powers restrained.
33-year-old Pieter Cross investigates the designer street drug A39. His clinic is bombed by the pharmaceutical company manufacturing the drug, blinding and nearly killing him. His massive dose of the drug mutates his vision, and he constructs equipment to weaponize his handicap and bring his attackers to justice, his street assistants giving him the name Doctor Midnite.
17-year-old Vic Stone suffers massive tissue damage in an explosion in his father's lab, ultimately losing 60% of his body before the damage can be contained, forcing him to use his father's experimental bio-prosthesis to replace most of his body.
58-year-old Niles Caulder finds evidence that Rita Farr's body was scattered across the ocean, leading to 42-year-old Steve Dayton's mental breakdown, and departure from the Doom Patrol, leaving 13-year-old Gar Logan alone. Caulder does not share his plans to scour the ocean for her body.
14-year-old Vril Dox and L.E.G.I.O.N. take down the calculators of Colu. He establishes a new Coluan government, and sets up L.E.G.I.O.N. as an extra-governmental mercenary police force.
31-year-old John Henry Irons builds his first prototype of his weapons systems. Without his knowledge, Cybertech illegally sells his weapons to 32-year-old Bruno Mannheim and Intergang.
30-year-old Roland Desmond discovers that 26-year-old Mark Desmond's treatment is sucessful, but that it requires a sample of his effected blood. Mark dies in the procedure, and Roland injects the new serum, treating his disorder and becomes the new Blockbuster.
17-year-old Donna Troy leaves Themyscira to visit 21-year-old Diana, Taking the name Donna Troy after the goddess Athena's patron city. She stays with 32-year-old Helena Sandsmark, becoming an adopted big sister to her daughter 7-year-old Cassie Sandsmark. She meets the Teen Titans and is named Wonder Girl by 15-year-old Dick Grayson, deciding to become a student in Gateway University. Hippolyta, not approving of Donna's journey of discovering but understanding, grants her her own magically enhanced Lasso.
14-year-old Lilith Clay has a series of preconitions involving the Teen Titans. She seeks them out, and helps them capture a serial kidnapper.
21-year-old Diana Prince befriends 23-year-old Barbara Ann Minerva, working with her to find powerful Amazonian artifacts from around the world.
33-year-old Iris West marries 32-year-old Barry Allen.
43-year-old Gorilla Grodd stages his coup and takes over Gorilla City, imprisoning 55-year-old Solovar, and his forces invade Central City. The Rogues ally with him until they discover his plans. They then help 32-year-old Barry Allen & 15-year-old Wally West stop him. Wally & 15-year-old Hartley Rathaway first become friends.
37-year-old Despero emerges on Kalanor with a new body forged in the flames of Py’tar. His science cult rises up to usurp control of his planet, and begins a new campaign of interplanetary conquest.
The Forever People help refugees from Despero's campaign of interplanetary conquest band together and find a new home, becoming the gods of a new religion.
18-year-old Nnamdi witnesses 43-year-old Gorilla Grodd's rebellion. he first meets 15-year-old Wally West.
8-year-old Kaldur'ahm takes up residence in Atlantis.
21-year-old Karen Starr begins working on her own startup company.
26-year-old Daniel Cassidy seeks out help and meets 21-year-old Zatanna. They return to Ile Du Diable to confront Nebiros and break his curse. They discover that he is not cursed at all, but permanently transmuted. Escaping his domain Dan discovers Nebiros’ Trident. He and Zatanna go on a date.
21-year-old Brion Markov's father, the king of Markovia, dies. His brother Gregor takes his place as the ruler of Markovia. 40-year-old Dr. Helga Jace continues to serve the Markovian crown and working to refine Brion's powers.
22-year-old Celia Forrestal graduates from the academy & becomes a candidate for flight school.
21-year-old June Moone, while exploring European castles, discovers the secret chambers of the ancient sorcerer Dzamor. When she accidentially releases a magical creature sealed within the walls, she unleashes the magic of Dzamor & becomes the Enchantress, unaware that extradimensional spirt entity has taken root in her subconscious.
41-year-old Jim Rook breaches the spells isolating Oblivion Inc from it's extra-dimensional anchor, opening the Oblivion Bar, becoming it's owner & operator.
39-year-old Arnold Wesker kills someone in a fit of rage. He is sent to Blackgate Prison, where he finds a ventriloquist dummy.
31-year-old Vic Sage's college adviser's invention is stolen. He becomes the Question to investigate.
28-year-old Carol Ferris takes over as the CEO of Ferris Air when her father retires.
27-year-old Simon Jones earns his Doctorate.
16-year-old Leonid Kovar explores a crashed alien spaceship near the Yenesi River with his archaeologist father, and is caught in it's explosion. Empowered with alien energy, he offers his services to Russia as Red Star.
S.H.A.D.E. agent Craig Tresser stages an assassination of Ben Marshall, Head of Intelligence of Argus. Seeing the trail of injustice caused by his brother & wanting to balance the scales, 30-year-old Thomas Tresser goes rogue from Argus, staging his own death and begins using his own spy tech, targeting S.H.A.D.E. as Nemesis.
25-year-old Zazzala's expanding control over her surrounding countries becomes so overt it attracts the attention of the Justice League. She exert control over them, but is stopped by the female members of the League, 25-year-old Dinah Lance, 21-year-old Diana Prince, 50-year-old Shiera Hall & 24-year-old Sue Dibny. Exposed as an alien, Zazzala escapes to space, searching for her birth hive.
28-year-old Adam Strange works with the Justice League on Earth between excursions to Rann to stop the Starbreaker from consuming the Earth.
25-year-old Pete Ross is divorced. He runs for the Smallville town council.
23-year-old David Knight seeks out help in his research on the cosmic rod from 26-year-old Kitty Faulkner. They begin dating.
22-year-old David Zavimbe discovers a cache of stolen gold hidden by one of the domestic terror groups. Unwilling to hand it over to the corrupt police, he contacts his brother Isaac to return home so they can use it to design & build the tools necessary to fight corruption and protect the people, reclaiming the name Dragonfly.
22-year-old Hiro Kunikawa's friend from his motorcycle gang, Tensai Hitori, awakens from his coma. He develops similar powers to Hiro, channeling monster energy, but it soon consumes him as he grows and rampages through Neo-Tokyo. Big Science Action is forced to stop him.
25-year-old Lana Lang graduates with a degree in Journalism. She becomes one of the anchors of the Channel 3 News.
25-year-old Irwin Schwab somehow becomes Ambush Bug?
19-year-old Vera Black is recruited by British Intelligence as a tech operative, where she is fitted with her stealth-tech artificial arms.
19-year-old Joseph Martin is expelled from school for sexual assault. He starts breaking and entering to fund his drug habit.
18-year-old Ronnie Raymond starts college with an athletic scholarship. 25-year-old Caitlyn Snow is his TA, and she tries to get him expelled. He first meets 34-year-old Martin Stein.
18-year-old Zou Kang attends University.
17-year-old Barbara Gordon begins attending Gotham University, studying Library Science.
17-year-old Alex DeWitt attends college, studying photojournalism.
17-year-old Ryan Choi is accepted early to the Chinese University of Hong Kong, studying physics
16-year-old Jimmy Olsen finds evidence that Kobra may have planted an assassin among the students of Université Notre Dame Des Ombres to kill Sandra Knight, and goes undercover as a student to find her.
16-year-old Heino Okata becomes part of the Idol group Chō Wakai, quickly becoming one of the most beloved idols in the country.
14-year-old Karen Beecher writes an essay about applied applications of White Dwarf energy, and is published in a peer-reviewed science journal.
14-year-old Naoko Shinzokesa learns that the aliens trying to steal magic are part of an interstellar cult called the Black Empire. She stops them with the help of Datenshi, a former Black Empire member hiding on Earth.
13-year-old Gabrielle Daou's family flees Qurac to avoid religious persecution, becoming refugees in Markovia.
13-year-old Cindy Reynolds meets her father, an American-born merchant sailor when he rekindles the relationship with her mother. His drinking leads to a violent outburst that kills her mother, the trauma triggering Cindy's latent homo-magi abilities. She flees to Star City where she uses her powers to remain hidden, eventually befriending 14-year-old Cisco Ramon who helps her make a home there.
13-year-old LeToya Charles begins working as a runner for Intergang.
12-year-old Adrianna Tomaz begins building an underground pipeline for food aid to be smuggled in to feed the people of Khandaq.
11-year-old Ch’p marries his longtime girlfriend M’nn’e
36-year-old Edwin Alva becomes the legal guardian of his son 8-year-old Ed Young when his mother Denise dies unexpectedly, sending him to boarding school.
7-year-old Cassandra Cain trains under 36-year-old Ben Turner.
10-year-old Beryl Hutchinson starts building her own machine lab.
41-year-old Theo Adam meets the Batsons, including their son 6-year-old Billy Batson. They find a tomb that draws him, he kills them to steal the amulet worn by Teth-Adam. Billy continually runs away from different orphanages, wanting to instead be on his own. The Wizard Shazam first begins watching Billy.
Ulthoon is recovered by 40-year-old Thomas Oscar Morrow, and used as basis for his new android, using elements of 32-year-old Will Magnus's research.